Health & Safety Policy Statement

Nifty Alloys LLC is determined to secure the highest level of Health, Safety and Welfare for our employees and anyone affected by our work.

Through our business it is recognised that legislative and legal requirements represent minimum levels, and the company will always strive to achieve the best possible standards. The company recognises that accidents, ill health and near misses can occur as a result of inconsistency or breakdown in management controls. For this reason, we are committed to continuous review, development and improvement of the Health and Safety Management System.

The company is further committed to establishing a “blame free” culture that promotes transparency and ownership of safety in our work. All employees are encouraged to report health and safety concerns to the Director and can expect them to be dealt with expediently and effectively. Nifty Alloys LLC actively seeks the participation of all employees, contractors and visitors to the premises and sites to co-operate in achieving a safe and healthy working environment. Each employee is responsible for ensuring that this policy is adopted for their area of work.

People are valued as the key resource within this organisation and protecting the health and safety of our staff is acknowledged as a cost-effective strategy that enables us to provide the highest standards of service to our customers. The company adopts the “Safe Person” concept to ensure employee, contractor and visitor safety at all times. To ensure employees are competent to apply this strategy the company will provide:

Comprehensive and effective risk assessment.

Safe systems of work, monitoring and review.

Effective information and instruction and training where necessary.

Safe equipment, which is fit for purpose and suitably maintained.

The company will consistently provide effective communication of all Health and Safety matters to every employee.